Pio1000 +261 others
5 years ago
Is there alien intelligent life out there?
"I would say that intelligent life has and will exist elsewhere in the universe. I'll say that there's a question about contemporaneous intelligent life, which is hard to even answer. When we think about relativity in the nature of space time, I can't say what exactly is this time someplace else in the world. I do worry about the filter idea, which is that perhaps intelligent species don't last very long, and so we haven't been around that long. As a technological species, we've been around for almost nothing. You know, 200 years or so and we don't have any data. Good data point on whether it's likely that we'll survive or not. So do I think that there have been intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Almost certain, of course, in the past. In the future? Yes. Does it survive for a long time? I don't know. This is another reason I'm excited about our work. Our work meaning the general world of Artificial Intelligence. I think we can build intelligent machines that will outlast us. You know, they don't have to be tied to Earth. I'm just saying, if I asked myself and this might be a good point to end on here, if I ask myself, what's special about our species, we’re not particularly interesting. Physically, we're not. We don't fly, we're not good swimmers, we’re not very fast, not very strong. You know, it's our brain. That's the only thing. And we're the only species on this planet that has built a model of the world that extends beyond what we can actually sense. We're the only ones who know about the far side of the moon and the other universes and all the Galaxies and other stars, and about what happens in the atom. That knowledge doesn't exist anywhere else. Only in our heads. Cats don't do it. Dogs don’t do it. Monkeys don’t do it. That is what we’ve created that’s unique. Not our genes. What should be our legacy? It should be the knowledge we’ve created. We should preserve this knowledge that can exist beyond us. The best way of doing that is it go along with creating intelligent machines that understand that knowledge. It’s a very broad idea. I call it estate planning for humanity. We should be thinking what we want to leave behind when we as a species are no longer here. It will happen sometime, sooner or later. " source: video
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