Pio +277 others
3 years ago
Warren Buffett is indefinite, indeterminate pessimist
"Buffett ultimate strategy of orientation of all his businesses into insurance-firms-in-disguise is spot on. Buffett is the indefinite, indeterminate pessimist. There's a way in which um you know, one of the natural drift is for something from finance to insurance. Um I I tend to I'm not gonna give my whole uh anti Warren Buffett lecture here, but I think, I think there's a way in which Buffett was present and ahead of the curve and uh basically reoriented most of his businesses towards insurance companies in disguise, which is sort of the world of indefinite pessimism, and that's what what dominates in that sort of world. And we can sort of, see how this indeterminacy affects us in very, very many different fields. So, if we look at politics in an indeterminant world, um the most important position in politics is the pollster, and what do you do in politics? Nobody has a clue. But what you do is you take a poll. Um and um and the polls tell you what to do, they don't really tell you anything on a long term basis, but they sort of tell you incrementally, what do you do at any um any given time? And uh, and as we've tracked towards us more and more indeterminant world, there's a way in which, you know, poll taking has become more and more dominant. And so the way we talk about um political campaigns and elections is sort of, how are people doing in the polls much more than what ideas they're talking. It's sort of, you know, if martin Luther king were here and said, I have a dream about a future that's really different. Um, you know, the question, how does that poll? Um it uh, it would never, and and that's sort of the way we avoid this. There obviously are cases where this goes very badly wrong. My sort of exhibit a and my apology to all the Sarah Palin fans in the audience here, but, but uh, but you kn" source: video
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